Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014- Here we go!

Happy weekend friends!!

We had a wonderful Christmas in our household this year. I absolutely love the holidays because everyone slows down (kind of) and makes time to spend with each other. It is so hard to get the whole family in one room at the same time, but everyone makes it a priority to slow down at Christmas!

Now that the Christmas season has officially ended (tear), we can start looking to the New Year. What will 2014 bring? What will I accomplish in 2014? The questions and possibilities are endless, which is why I adore this holiday!

New Year's 2013. Sparkle and Champagne ya'll.

Even though I love me a good New Year's Eve party, complete with sparkle and champagne, I am not one for resolutions. I try to live everyday the best I can and if I make it to the gym, awesome. If not, well sucks for me. Instead of resolutions, I like to make suggestions to myself for the new year. It just sounds less harsh when I don't take myself up on a "suggestion" I made.

Here are my 2014 suggestions::

1) Not acquire so much "stuff."  Do I love me a new pair of kicks? Absolutely, but this year I am going to try to spend money more wisely. I have decided that finishing a new project, like the dining room table, gives me much more satisfaction than a spiffy new pair of boots. 2014 will be the year of fun projects I have declared. Although.. boots do make the world go round.....This one might be tough.
2) Pick a cookbook & create every recipe in the book. I love cooking. I love creating something delicious and having people enjoy it. I love to discover new flavors and I think trying other people's recipes is vital to keep you on your toes in the kitchen. Therefore, I think I am going to try to cook all Pioneer Woman recipes out of this cookbook and see what happens! Gabe is going to love this one.

3) Create a new tradition with Gabe. As we have now settled into daily life of work and play, I want to create a fun tradition that we can keep going once we have kids of our own. It might be going to lunch every Sunday after church (which we should attend more often) or maybe making pizzas one night a week. Something that we can look forward to each week as a family.

4) Donate more. This goes along with suggestion #1. I plan on having a rather large garage sale next summer since our house is in a neighborhood and I have to say I am quite excited about this. I really want to donate more and anything that doesn't sell at the garage sale will most definitely be donated. I know there are others out there that need the sweatshirt more than I do and it is very gratifying to help others out.

5) Enjoy life. Last but not least, I think we all could benefit from this suggestion. The everyday hustle and bustle of jobs, family, and life itself can get rather overwhelming. 2014 will be the year I stop and smell the roses, roll with the punches, and enjoy that margarita when I feel like it!

Do you have any "suggestions" for 2014? What are you looking forward to most?
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Xo- Karalie

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