Sunday, November 10, 2013

And the hunt is over...

I have officially found a dining room table to "redo." Gabe & I found this awesome piece at an antique store in North Lawrence on Locust St. Why we do not go down to these awesome shops more, I do not know, but if you have not been, I highly suggest to go! There were so many things I would have loved to have found places for in the house :)

But.. back the the table. So... here is how it looked when we bought it.

Granted... I love the color. But it just was not quite the color I was going for. But it was the exact shape. And yes, I know this is a very typical shape and I could probably walk into NFM and get one. But this one cost me a whopping $165, and its solid wood. And the stuff at NFM is so shiny. So shiny. 

So let the renovation begin!

First up... SANDING. I had to take a few pauses and wipe the thick layer of mermaid green dust off the table so I could see where to sand. It was intense. But seriously.. thank Jesus for the invention of the palm sander. Without it, this job would be terrible. 

As you can see, the wood grain is gorgeous and there are still little flecks of turquoise on the top. That is where the paint stripper will come in handy. But, here is what I have done so far---

Whoo! The whole table top is sanded and it took me about 2 full hours. 

Here is the list left to do on the table:
1) Finish removing paint.
2) Use paint stripper to remove any paint in the nooks and crannies.
3) Condition the top of the table with a wood conditioner.
4) Spray paint the legs and rail.
5) Stain the top.
6) Poly a few coats.
7) Enjoy my masterpiece.

Stay tuned for more updates!!

XO- Karl

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