Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fabulous friends, food, & not so fabulous football

Hello friends!

This past Sunday was the Super Bowl and I have to say I always look forward to this game. It is supposed to be a time to get together with friends and family, eat some awesome food, and watch a great football game. Well this year for SB48, we nailed 2 out of the 3.

We went to a friends for the evening. It was great to see everyone and just hang out. The game was just sad; and that is all I will say about that. However, I did love the Budweiser commercials and the halftime show! Bruno, I love you. And thank you for recognizing our military- that was great to see!

Well on to food....

Everyone contributed "snacky" foods, also known as appetizers to most people. I have to say, I ate waayy too much. And that is an understatement. There were dips and chips and cheese and sweets and all kinds of awesomeness. I contributed two items:  Artichoke dip & Lil' Smokies. I haven't quite got the smokies up to par yet, so once I do, I will post the recipe.

First of all, I started with the Pioneer Woman recipe for artichoke dip from this cookbook.  Remember I was going to make every recipe from it? Yeah... I've made 2. Fail.

Any who, me being the rebel that I am, of course I can't stick to the recipe so here is my adapted artichoke dip recipe.


First, combine 1-14oz can of artichoke hearts (drained) in a food processor with an 8 oz block of cream cheese. Have you guys seen the new cream cheese that is made from Greek yogurt? That is what I used and it made me feel less guilty after my 3rd helping.

Turn the food processor on low and let it rip. Process until the mixture is not smooth, but not chunky. You get the picture right? Once you get that combined, add in ½ c of mayo and ½ c of ranch dressing. Yikes, yum.

Pulse this mixture 4-5 times until it is thoroughly combined.

Toss in 2 scallions, a few dashes of minced onion (the dried type), 1 tsp seasoning salt, 1 tsp cayenne pepper (adjust to your own taste bud's desire) and a few cranks of the black pepper cracker. Turn the food processor on low and process till combined.

Remove the mixture from food processor and place in bowl. As you can see from above, it is still a little chunky. Add in a handful of Parmesan cheese and another handful of feta cheese. Now, if you do not like feta cheese, I have sympathy for you. I could eat those salty little gems like candy. But feel free to substitute your own favorite cheese.

Rough chop a second 14oz can of artichoke hearts that you drain well and throw them in. This adds a nice texture difference. Stir it up and try not to eat a spoonful, I dare you.

Spread in a greased baking dish and bake at 350deg for approx 30-40 min. It will depend on how deep the dish is. Make sure it is nice and bubbly when it comes out of the oven.

Unfortunately, I do not have an after picture because we had to leave right away. Story of my life. Serve with corn chips, I bought a blue corn bag and yellow corn bag, and ENJOY!!!

Did you guys have a fun Super Bowl? Make anything delicious? If so, please share!

Xo- Karalie

Shopping List
2- 14oz cans artichoke hearts
1 8oz Greek yogurt cream cheese
½ c. mayo
½ c. light ranch dressing
2 scallions
seasoning salt 
black pepper
dried minced onion
cayenne pepper
2 oz. feta cheese
1 c. shredded Parmesan cheese