Monday, October 7, 2013

And the word of the day is....

There is this thing we do at work each morning. A veteran comes up with the "word of the day." This word is something for everyone to think about, like how it impacts their lives and try to practice that word that day. For example, today's word was "happiness." What does happiness mean to them and how can they strive for happiness?

I thought today's blog post would be my own version of "word of the day."

Today's word is.... Entitlement. Hang in there- this is a long one

I have been thinking about the latest happenings in the United States, from the government shut-down, to raising the debt ceiling, to the start of the ACA (Obamacare) and decided entitlement was a good way to describe the current climate in this amazing country. Here is why...

Let's start with the government shut-down. Right now, Capitol Hill is feeling entitled. They feel like they are entitled to play with people's jobs, livelihoods, and futures because they do not agree with the other side. One side refuses to give in in defunding Obamacare and the other side refuses to give in on reforming programs that would save the US millions to billions of dollars. If I was at work and refused to do a vital part of my job, say daily charting, because another coworker is doing something I don't particularly care for, do you think I would have a job for very much longer? Do you have to learn to compromise at work? What if I refused to ever compromise with my husband, do you think we would be married very long? The real world makes compromises every day, so why do our lawmakers feel as though they are "entitled" to always having their way? My advice for this problem: To those on Capitol Hill-- Put up. Shut up. And do your damn jobs like the rest of America.

The next major problem that is bound to happen on October 17th if some particular people do not do their jobs, is the United States will default on their loans. Guess what that means? Our credit rating will be downgraded and I won't get a paycheck. Now, we really want new carpet in our house, therefore I would like a paycheck. But do I feel entitled to a paycheck if it means the country will fall even further into debt and my children and grandchildren will be the ones who will actually be signing off on the new carpet? Absolutely not. This is where that lovely word of entitlement is being practiced in Congress. One side says no to raising the debt ceiling, where the other says raise it and give us more money for those programs we love. Now people, let's have a reality check. Would it not be easier to say "Okay, we will vote to raise the debt ceiling if you agree to cut the waste out of a few particular programs that are bloated with fraud." Therefore, I will get a paycheck along with millions of other people, but America will start on a path to being fiscally responsible. So therefore... Congress please refer to the last line of paragraph above.

A very smart man once said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." I live and breath this everyday at work and have seen what helping your country can truly look like to some very brave men and women. This is where I tend to get a little angry because I see those saying "Gimme free healthcare" "Gimme free college" "Gimme a free cell phone" This my friends.. is the classic version of entitlement. What ever happened to "I will work hard for what I have and will strive to be the best version of myself I can be"? Am I saying that there are people in the United States who desperately need help? Not at all. There are those that are very much struggling and could use assistance until they get back on their feet. But that is where the gold is... until they get back on their feet. This does not include forever for the majority of Americans (hello 40 hour work week!) This is where the Affordable Care Act comes into play...

First, lets start with the title. The Affordable CARE Act. Does that say the Affordable HEALTH INSURANCE Act? I didn't think it did. Therefore, why was the entire country sold on receiving free or reduced health insurance premiums when that clearly is not what is happening? The cost of care is going to go up as well so I guess there is no good title. Here is why this is frustrating, let's do a case study:
       ~30 y/o male with wife and kids. All healthy, no significant health problems. Insurance premium under Obamacare is to increase ~41% (which is accurate, the exchange said so). This male is also the owner of a small business. Say his insurance premium was a measly $100 a month before (which that number is most definitely made up, it is closer to $500), then he will now pay $141 each month for health insurance under the ACA. Per year, that is an extra $492 spent on health insurance. Now you say, $492 in business terms is a drop in the bucket. But, what if that amount covered all the office supplies? Now as a business owner, cuts will have to be made to come up with that extra $492. Do you think as a fiscally responsible business owner, he will hire more workers when he is having to come up with more money to keep running his business? The simple answer is No.

This is where the word of the day is coming into play. There are those in the United States that feel entitled to health insurance, even if it hurts their fellow man. There is no way to build a strong middle class when people are forced to join something that is not fiscally stable. IT makes zero amounts of sense. Did our health care system need an overhaul? Of course it did. But when doctors are retiring early because they are afraid of the future and families are forced to allocate their funds differently when it really isn't possible for them.. it is just plain wrong. There is already a program for those who are struggling to pay for health insurance... it is called Medicaid. What should we have done? Here are Karl's expert suggestions

  1. Delay the individual mandate until all the "glitches" are figured out.
  2. Let health insurance companies sell across state lines- HELLO FREE MARKET.
  3. Don't give people free cell phones to entice them to join the collective. 
  4. PASS a budget. (2009 was a really long time ago)

I  know this is a long one.. I hope you enjoyed the "word of the day" and it sparks a little thought on this gorgeous Monday!

Xo- Karl